@inproceedings{paperid:1090866, author = {حسین زاده ملکی, زهرا and مشهدی, علی and رسول زاده طباطبائی, سیدکاظم}, title = {Empowering the Family to Expand Cost-effective Interventions to Reduce Behavioral Problems: A Descriptive Critical Review of Facilitating cognitive development in everyday life.}, booktitle = {3rd National Congress of Family Psychology Association of Iran Ahvaz}, year = {2022}, location = {اهواز, ايران}, keywords = {مداخلات مقرون به صرفه، مشکلات رفتاری، مرور توصیفی-انتقادی، تحول شناختی، پیش دبستان}, }