Zootaxa, ( ISI ), Volume (4085), No (3), Year (2016-3) , Pages (345-373)

Title : ( Description of Basiria birjandiensis n. sp (Nematoda: Tylenchidae) from South Khorasan province with a checklist of the family Tylenchidae Orley 1880 from Iran )

Authors: Esmat Mahdikhani Moghadam , somaye alvani , Hamid Rouhani , Abbas Mohammadi , Gerrit Karssen ,

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In order to identify plant-parasitic nematodes (family Tylenchidae Örley 1880) associated with Ziziphus zizyphus in Iran, 360 soil and root samples were collected from South Khorasan province during 2012–2014. Herein, a new species of Basiria and several known members of the family Tylenchidae are reported. B. birjandiensis n. sp. is characterized by short body length (584–748 μm [660.6±72.3]), lip region with flat apex, stylet 11–12 μm (11.3±0.5), excretory pore position varying from isthmus level to the middle of the basal bulb (78–91 μm from the anterior end of the body), post–vulval uterine sac 8–14 μm (10.7±1.9) long, filiform tail (151–181 μm, c= 3.7–4.2, c´= 14.3–17.2) and body annuli 0.5–1 μm (0.6±0.1) wide. A checklist of Tylenchidae species from Iran is also presented.


, distribution, nematofauna, morphometrics, new species, description
برای دانلود از شناسه و رمز عبور پرتال پویا استفاده کنید.

author = {Mahdikhani Moghadam, Esmat and Alvani, Somaye and Rouhani, Hamid and Abbas Mohammadi and Gerrit Karssen},
title = {Description of Basiria birjandiensis n. sp (Nematoda: Tylenchidae) from South Khorasan province with a checklist of the family Tylenchidae Orley 1880 from Iran},
journal = {Zootaxa},
year = {2016},
volume = {4085},
number = {3},
month = {March},
issn = {1175-5326},
pages = {345--373},
numpages = {28},
keywords = {distribution; nematofauna; morphometrics; new species; description},


%0 Journal Article
%T Description of Basiria birjandiensis n. sp (Nematoda: Tylenchidae) from South Khorasan province with a checklist of the family Tylenchidae Orley 1880 from Iran
%A Mahdikhani Moghadam, Esmat
%A Alvani, Somaye
%A Rouhani, Hamid
%A Abbas Mohammadi
%A Gerrit Karssen
%J Zootaxa
%@ 1175-5326
%D 2016
