International conference on Spatial Ecology and Conservation , 2016-07-12

Title : ( Assessing the effects of social data on selecting priority conservation areas )

Authors: Azadeh Karimi , Ayesha Tulloch , Greg Brown , Marc Hockings ,

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Conservation success is contingent on assessing a wide range of social factors so that cost-effective implementation of strategies can be placed in a broad social-ecological context. Until now, the focus has been on how to include social data in conservation planning, while assessing the value of different kinds of social data has received limited attention. Conservation success is contingent on assessing a wide range of social factors so that cost-effective implementation of strategies can be placed in a broad social-ecological context. Until now, the focus has been on how to include social data in conservation planning, while assessing the value of different kinds of social data has received limited attention. Integrating social values and development preferences generated prioritizations that were 1.2% to 51% different compared with those based on biological data alone. Inclusion of conservation preference data made the smallest changes and incorporating all social data to seek to maximize opportunities and minimize conservation costs produced the greatest changes in priority locations. The approach presented here can help conservation planners assess which kind of social data to collect when resources are limited.


, conservation opportunity, conservation planning, cost-effective decisions, spatial prioritization, social values, land-use preferences, PPGIS, Zonation
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author = {Karimi, Azadeh and Ayesha Tulloch and Greg Brown and Marc Hockings},
title = {Assessing the effects of social data on selecting priority conservation areas},
booktitle = {International conference on Spatial Ecology and Conservation},
year = {2016},
location = {ENGLAND},
keywords = {conservation opportunity; conservation planning; cost-effective decisions; spatial prioritization; social values; land-use preferences; PPGIS; Zonation},


%0 Conference Proceedings
%T Assessing the effects of social data on selecting priority conservation areas
%A Karimi, Azadeh
%A Ayesha Tulloch
%A Greg Brown
%A Marc Hockings
%J International conference on Spatial Ecology and Conservation
%D 2016
