Journal of Algebra and its Applications, ( ISI ), Volume (20), No (5), Year (2020-3)

Title : ( f-Biderivations and Jordan biderivations of unital algebras with idempotents )

Authors: mohammad ali bahmani , Driss Bennis , Hamid Reza Ebrahimi Vishki , Brahim Fahid ,

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The notion of f-derivations was introduced by Beidar and Fong to unify several kinds of linear maps including derivations, Lie derivations and Jordan derivations. In this paper, we introduce the notion of f-biderivations as a natural “biderivation” counterpart of the notion of “f-derivations”. We first show, under some conditions, that any f-biderivation is a Jordan biderivation. Then, we turn to study f-biderivations of a unital algebra with an idempotent. Our second main result shows, under some conditions, that every Jordan biderivation can be written as a sum of a biderivation, an antibiderivation and an extremal biderivation. As a consequence, we show that every Jordan biderivation on a triangular algebra is a biderivation.


, f, derivation; f, biderivation; Jordan biderivation.
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author = {Bahmani, Mohammad Ali and Driss Bennis and Ebrahimi Vishki, Hamid Reza and Brahim Fahid},
title = {f-Biderivations and Jordan biderivations of unital algebras with idempotents},
journal = {Journal of Algebra and its Applications},
year = {2020},
volume = {20},
number = {5},
month = {March},
issn = {0219-4988},
keywords = {f-derivation; f-biderivation; Jordan biderivation.},


%0 Journal Article
%T f-Biderivations and Jordan biderivations of unital algebras with idempotents
%A Bahmani, Mohammad Ali
%A Driss Bennis
%A Ebrahimi Vishki, Hamid Reza
%A Brahim Fahid
%J Journal of Algebra and its Applications
%@ 0219-4988
%D 2020
