@article{paperid:1022622, author = {Christianne J.M. Bruschke and Haghparast, Alireza and Aad Hoek and Victor P.M.G. Rutten and G. Henk Wentink and Piet A. Van Rijn and Jan T. Van Oirschot}, title = {The immune response of cattle, persistently infected with noncytopathic BVDV, after superinfection with antigenically semi-homologous cytopathic BVDV}, journal = {Veterinary Immunology and Immunopathology}, year = {1998}, volume = {62}, number = {1}, month = {March}, issn = {0165-2427}, pages = {37--50}, numpages = {13}, keywords = {Immune response; Bovine Viral Diarrhea(BVDV); persistently infected (PI); noncytopathic; T cell responses}, }