@article{paperid:1074959, author = {وحید کشاورز توحید and Jordan Vacheron and Audrey Dubost and Claire Prigent-Combaret and Taheri, Parissa and Tarighi, Saeed and سید محسن تقوی and Yvan Moenne-Loccoz and Daniel Muller}, title = {Genomic, phylogenetic and catabolic re-assessment of the Pseudomonas putida clade supports the delineation of Pseudomonas alloputida sp. nov., Pseudomonas inefficax sp. nov., Pseudomonas persica sp. nov., and Pseudomonas shirazica sp. nov}, journal = {Systematic and Applied Microbiology}, year = {2019}, volume = {42}, number = {4}, month = {July}, issn = {0723-2020}, pages = {468--480}, numpages = {12}, keywords = {Pseudomonads genomes; Pseudomonas putida group; GGDC}, }