@article{paperid:1081482, author = {Asieh Heirani-Tabasi and Mahdi Mirahmadi and Mohammad Amir Mishan and Hojjat Naderi-Meshkin and Shirin Toosi and Moghaddam Matin, Maryam and Hamid Reza Bidkhori and Bahrami, Ahmad Reza}, title = {Comparison the effects of hypoxia-mimicking agents on migration-related signaling pathways in mesenchymal stem cells}, journal = {Cell and Tissue Banking}, year = {2020}, volume = {21}, number = {4}, month = {August}, issn = {1389-9333}, pages = {643--653}, numpages = {10}, keywords = {Adipose derived mesenchymal stem cells; Cell- and tissue-based therapy; Deferoxamine; Interleukin-8; Signal transduction}, }