@article{paperid:1097293, author = {Noori, Farzane and Emami, Mohammadreza and پیمان نخعی and Mohri, Mehrdad}, title = {Comparison of Two Anesthetic Inhalant Agents (Isoflurane and Sevoflurane) on Induction and Recovery from Anesthesia, Physiological Effects, Hematocrit, and Biochemistry Profiles in Domestic Pigeons (Columba Livia Domestica)}, journal = {Journal of Poultry Sciences and Avian Diseases}, year = {2023}, volume = {1}, number = {2}, month = {June}, issn = {2981-135X}, pages = {18--27}, numpages = {9}, keywords = {Anaesthesia; Avian; Isoflurane; Pigeon; Sevoflurane}, }