@article{paperid:1097562, author = {نفیسه یوسف پور and Mahdavian Delavari, Malihe and Poorbagher Shahri, Zohre and ساناز احمدی قزلدشت and آرمان مساوات and مسعود ضیایی and Bahreini, Masoumeh and سامان سلیمانپور and Sharifmoghadam, Mirza Mohammad Reza and نرگس ولیزاده and ارغوان اصغری and علیجان تبررایی and سید عبدالرحمان رضایی}, title = {Role of host immunity and HBx among inactive chronic hepatitis B patients in a highly endemic region}, journal = {Micobial Pathogenesis}, year = {2023}, volume = {181}, number = {2023}, month = {August}, issn = {0882-4010}, pages = {106170--106176}, numpages = {6}, keywords = {AKT CREB Foxp3 Gene expression Hepatitis B virus (HBV)}, }