@article{paperid:1099026, author = {محمد تقی آبادی and سید یونس حسینی and علی اکبر گورزین and سید علیرضا تقوی and سیدحمیدرضا منوری and جمال سروری}, title = {Comparison of pre-S1/S2 variations of hepatitis B virus between asymptomatic carriers and cirrhotic/hepatocellular carcinoma-affected individuals}, journal = {Clinical and Experimental Hepatology}, year = {2019}, volume = {5}, number = {2}, month = {January}, issn = {2392-1099}, pages = {161--168}, numpages = {7}, keywords = {Key words: hepatitis B virus; genotype D; pre-S1/S2 variations; asymptomatic carrier; cirrhosis; hepatocellular carcinoma.}, }