@article{paperid:1099291, author = {جمالی, فهیمه سادات and رشیدلمیر, امیر and عطارزاده حسینی, سیدرضا}, title = {Effects of Combined aerobic and resistance Exercise on miR-93, Reverse Cholesterol Transport and Serum Leptin Levels in Patients After Coronary Artery Bypass Graft Surgery}, journal = {دانشگاه علوم پزشکی مازندران - Journal of Mazandaran University of Medical Sciences}, year = {2023}, volume = {33}, number = {221}, month = {June}, issn = {1735-9260}, pages = {12--22}, numpages = {10}, keywords = {mir-93; ABCA1; leptin; CABG; combined training}, }