59th International symposium on crop protection , 2007-05-22

Title : ( Induction of systemic defense responses in rice against the sheath blight pathogen , Rhizoctonia solani, by means of riboflavin )

Authors: Parissa Taheri ,

Citation: BibTeX | EndNote


Rice (Oryza sativa L.) , the first cerea crop research model, plays an important role in the existance of human society for around 9000 years. It is the main staple food crop for almost half of the world\\\'s population, but can be affected by many diseases. Sheath blight caused by the soil borne fungus .....


, Cereal, monocot, defense related genes, PAL, LOX
برای دانلود از شناسه و رمز عبور پرتال پویا استفاده کنید.

author = {Taheri, Parissa},
title = {Induction of systemic defense responses in rice against the sheath blight pathogen , Rhizoctonia solani, by means of riboflavin},
booktitle = {59th International symposium on crop protection},
year = {2007},
location = {Ghent},
keywords = {Cereal; monocot; defense related genes; PAL; LOX},


%0 Conference Proceedings
%T Induction of systemic defense responses in rice against the sheath blight pathogen , Rhizoctonia solani, by means of riboflavin
%A Taheri, Parissa
%J 59th International symposium on crop protection
%D 2007
