Journal of Natural Gas Chemistry, ( ISI ), Volume (19), No (3), Year (2010-5) , Pages (284-292)

Title : ( Fischer-Tropsch synthesis by nano-structured iron catalyst )

Authors: Ali Nakhaei Pour , Mohammad Reza Housaindokht , Sayyed Faramarz Tayyari , Jamshid Zarkesh ,

Citation: BibTeX | EndNote


Effects of nanoscale iron oxide particles on textural structure, reduction, carburization and catalytic behavior of precipitated iron catalyst in Fischer-Tropsch synthesis (FTS) are investigated. Nanostructured iron catalysts were prepared by microemulsion method in two series. Firstly, Fe2O3, CuO and La2O3 nanoparticles were prepared separately and were mixed to attain e/Cu/La nanostructured catalyst (sep-nano catalyst); Secondly nanostructured catalyst was prepared by co-precipitation in a water-in-oil microemulsion method (mix-nano catalyst). Also, conventional iron catalyst was prepared with common co-precipitation method. Structural characterizations of the catalysts were performed by TEM, XRD, H2 and CO-TPR tests. Particle size of iron oxides for sep-nano and mix-nano catalysts, which were determined by XRD pattern (Scherrer equation) and TEM images was about 20 and 21.6 nm, respectively. Catalyst evaluation was conducted in a fixed-bed stainless steel reactor and compared with conventional iron catalyst. The results revealed that FTS reaction increased while WGS reaction and olefin/paraffin ratio decreased in nanostructured iron catalysts


, Fischer, Tropsch synthesis; iron, based catalyst; nano, particle
برای دانلود از شناسه و رمز عبور پرتال پویا استفاده کنید.

author = {Nakhaei Pour, Ali and Housaindokht, Mohammad Reza and Tayyari, Sayyed Faramarz and Jamshid Zarkesh},
title = {Fischer-Tropsch synthesis by nano-structured iron catalyst},
journal = {Journal of Natural Gas Chemistry},
year = {2010},
volume = {19},
number = {3},
month = {May},
issn = {1003-9953},
pages = {284--292},
numpages = {8},
keywords = {Fischer-Tropsch synthesis; iron-based catalyst; nano-particle},


%0 Journal Article
%T Fischer-Tropsch synthesis by nano-structured iron catalyst
%A Nakhaei Pour, Ali
%A Housaindokht, Mohammad Reza
%A Tayyari, Sayyed Faramarz
%A Jamshid Zarkesh
%J Journal of Natural Gas Chemistry
%@ 1003-9953
%D 2010
