New challenges in food preservation , 2009-10-11

Title : ( Determination of contamination sources during the manufacturing traditional Iranian yoghurt drink )

Authors: Masoomeh Mehraban Sangatash , mahboobe sarabi jamab , Amir Saleh Vosouqh , Reihaneh Nourbakhsh , Farahnaz Gholasl , Mohammad Mohsenzadeh ,

Citation: BibTeX | EndNote


Doogh is a traditional Iranian yoghurt drink. Apart from Iran, Doogh is exported and consumed in other countries such as Armenia, Syria, Turkey, and Balkans, and to less extent in other countries of Middle East and central Asia. In present time, Doogh is a very popular and highly consumed product in Iran with a considerable increasing demand for its consumption . This study has been conducted to determine the microbiological contamination sources during production of Iranian yoghurt drink in three local dairy plant , mashhad, Iran. Samples were collected at 16 sites along the line. Total count, psychrotrophic, coliform and yeast was determined according to the Institute of Standards and Industrial Research of Iran (ISIRI ). The results showed that the hygienic quality of Iranian yoghurt drink is dependent on the quality of raw milk, the effect ive heat treatment of the milk base, the microbiological quality of added ingredients and packaging materials, the cleanliness of surfaces coming into contact with the yoghurt drink and the efficiency of the plant sterilisation.


, Traditional yoghurt drink, Psychrotroph
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author = {Masoomeh Mehraban Sangatash and Sarabi Jamab, Mahboobe and Amir Saleh Vosouqh and Reihaneh Nourbakhsh and Farahnaz Gholasl and Mohsenzadeh, Mohammad},
title = {Determination of contamination sources during the manufacturing traditional Iranian yoghurt drink},
booktitle = {New challenges in food preservation},
year = {2009},
location = {Budapest},
keywords = {Traditional yoghurt drink; Psychrotroph},


%0 Conference Proceedings
%T Determination of contamination sources during the manufacturing traditional Iranian yoghurt drink
%A Masoomeh Mehraban Sangatash
%A Sarabi Jamab, Mahboobe
%A Amir Saleh Vosouqh
%A Reihaneh Nourbakhsh
%A Farahnaz Gholasl
%A Mohsenzadeh, Mohammad
%J New challenges in food preservation
%D 2009
