Petroleum Science and Technology, ( ISI ), Volume (1), No (29), Year (2011-6) , Pages (1437-1448)

Title : ( Auto-Design of Neural Network–Based GAs for Manipulating the Khangiran Gas Refinery Sweetening Absorption Column Outputs )

Authors: Nasser Saghatoleslami , Mahdi Koolivand Salooki , Nader Mohammadi ,

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In this work, a new approach for the auto-design of neural networkbased genetic algorithm (GA) has been adopted to manipulate the products of an absorption column in the Khangiran gas refinery located in northeastern Iran. The experimental input data included gas flow rate, gas pressure, gas temperature, amine temperature, amine flow rate. In order to construct a GA–artificial neural network (ANN)-based model, the H2S flow rate and dirty amine flow rate were selected for the output. The proposed method was assessed by the data taken from a case study in the Khangiran gas refinery. Design of topology and parameters of the neural networks as decision variables was first achieved by a trial-and-error procedure followed by genetic algorithms, which enhances the effectiveness of the forecasting scheme. The results reveal that the testing results from the model were in good agreement with the experimental data.


, adsorption column, artificial neural network, auto-design, genetic algorithms, Khangiran gas refinery
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author = {Saghatoleslami, Nasser and Koolivand Salooki, Mahdi and Mohammadi, Nader},
title = {Auto-Design of Neural Network–Based GAs for Manipulating the Khangiran Gas Refinery Sweetening Absorption Column Outputs},
journal = {Petroleum Science and Technology},
year = {2011},
volume = {1},
number = {29},
month = {June},
issn = {1091-6466},
pages = {1437--1448},
numpages = {11},
keywords = {adsorption column; artificial neural network; auto-design; genetic algorithms; Khangiran gas refinery},


%0 Journal Article
%T Auto-Design of Neural Network–Based GAs for Manipulating the Khangiran Gas Refinery Sweetening Absorption Column Outputs
%A Saghatoleslami, Nasser
%A Koolivand Salooki, Mahdi
%A Mohammadi, Nader
%J Petroleum Science and Technology
%@ 1091-6466
%D 2011
