Euro/Informs 2003 , 2003-06-06

Title : ( A new hybrid heuristic algorithm to Timetabling Problem_ a case study )

Authors: Zahra Naji Azimi ,

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In this paper we consider the timetabling problem which is one of the most important problems in the area of scheduling. We focus specially on the university timetabling and we propose a new hybrid algorithm to solve it. The proposed method is compared with other heuristics and the computational results show the effectiveness of our proposed method. The new algorithm can obtain better results than all other heuristics.


, TimeTabling Problem, Heuristic Methods
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author = {Naji Azimi, Zahra},
title = {A new hybrid heuristic algorithm to Timetabling Problem_ a case study},
booktitle = {Euro/Informs 2003},
year = {2003},
keywords = {TimeTabling Problem; Heuristic Methods},


%0 Conference Proceedings
%T A new hybrid heuristic algorithm to Timetabling Problem_ a case study
%A Naji Azimi, Zahra
%J Euro/Informs 2003
%D 2003
