Journal of Advanced Research in Pure Mathematics, Volume (6), No (2), Year (2014-4) , Pages (64-74)

Title : ( On the Order of the Schur Multiplier of a Pair of Finite p-Groups )

Authors: Azam Hokmabadi , Fahimeh Mohammadzadeh , Behrooz Mashayekhy Fard ,

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In 1998, G. Ellis defined the Schur multiplier of a pair $(G,N)$ of groups and mentioned that this notion is a useful tool for studying pairs of groups. In this paper, we characterize the structure of a pair of finite $p$-groups $(G,N)$ in terms of the order of the Schur multiplier of $(G,N)$ under some conditions.


, Pair of groups, Schur multiplier of a pair, Finite $p$-group.