RSC Advances, ( ISI ), Volume (4), No (105), Year (2014-10) , Pages (61193-61199)

Title : ( Cellulose sulfuric acid as a bio-supported and efficient solid acid catalyst for synthesis of pyrazoles in aqueous medium )

Authors: Mohammad Ali Nasseri , Mehri Salim , Abbas Ali Esmaeili ,

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A convenient and practical method was described for the regioselective synthesis of pyrazoles from hydrazines/hydrazides and 1,3-dicarbonyl compoundsvia the Knorr synthesis in water with cellulose sulfuric acid (CSA) as a biopolymer-based solid acid catalyst. Various hydrazines and hydrazides were reacted with 1,3 diketones and the desired pyrazoles were obtained in high yields. The reaction of less reactive hydrazines with 1,3-dicarbonyl compounds stopped at the corresponding hydrazone derivatives. Hydrazides were employed withb-ketoester, and imine adducts were the only isolated product. Simple isolation of products, mild reaction conditions, reusability of solid acid catalysts and short reaction times are advantages of this green procedure.


, sulfuric acid, biopolymer-based solid acid catalyst, pyrazoles
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author = {Mohammad Ali Nasseri and Mehri Salim and Esmaeili, Abbas Ali},
title = {Cellulose sulfuric acid as a bio-supported and efficient solid acid catalyst for synthesis of pyrazoles in aqueous medium},
journal = {RSC Advances},
year = {2014},
volume = {4},
number = {105},
month = {October},
issn = {2046-2069},
pages = {61193--61199},
numpages = {6},
keywords = {sulfuric acid; biopolymer-based solid acid catalyst; pyrazoles},


%0 Journal Article
%T Cellulose sulfuric acid as a bio-supported and efficient solid acid catalyst for synthesis of pyrazoles in aqueous medium
%A Mohammad Ali Nasseri
%A Mehri Salim
%A Esmaeili, Abbas Ali
%J RSC Advances
%@ 2046-2069
%D 2014
