23rd Iranian Conference on Electrical Engineering (ICEE-2015) , 2015-05-10

Title : ( A Rigorous Study On Meshed Patch Antenna )

Authors: Shahin Sheikh , Mehrdad Shokooh-Saremi ,

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This paper presents a study on the rectangular meshed patch antenna. The effect of the mesh structure on the radiation performance of the antenna is investigated. The performance of the microstrip antenna with lower substrate permittivity is more sensitive to the meshing of the patch. Two microstrip antennas with 7×3 and 9×3 see-through meshed patches/brass ground plane are fabricated and their optoradioelectrical performances are analyzed and measured. It is shown that antenna with less parallel lines to the TM010 current path has more cross polarization, less gain, narrower bandwidth and lower fundamental resonant frequency. Also, it is observed that orthogonal lines do not have significant effects on the radiation properties.


, Antenna, meshed patch, optical transmittance, see-through antenna.
برای دانلود از شناسه و رمز عبور پرتال پویا استفاده کنید.

author = {Sheikh, Shahin and Shokooh-Saremi, Mehrdad},
title = {A Rigorous Study On Meshed Patch Antenna},
booktitle = {23rd Iranian Conference on Electrical Engineering (ICEE-2015)},
year = {2015},
location = {Tehran, IRAN},
keywords = {Antenna; meshed patch; optical transmittance; see-through antenna.},


%0 Conference Proceedings
%T A Rigorous Study On Meshed Patch Antenna
%A Sheikh, Shahin
%A Shokooh-Saremi, Mehrdad
%J 23rd Iranian Conference on Electrical Engineering (ICEE-2015)
%D 2015
