International journal of Environmental Science and Technology, ( ISI ), Volume (14), No (2), Year (2017-1) , Pages (375-384)

Title : ( Separation of H2S from CH4 by polymeric membranes at different H2S concentrations )

Authors: S. M. S. Niknejad , H. Savoji , Mahdi Pourafshari Chenar , M. Soltanieh ,

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In this work, permeation of mixed gases H2S/CH4 through commercial polyphenylene oxide (PPO) hollow fiber and poly (ester urethane) urea (PEUU) flat membranes was studied at pressures of 345–689 kPa, at ambient temperature and at 313.15 K. Various H2S concentrations of about 100–5000 ppm in CH4 binary synthetic gas mixtures as well as a real natural gas sample obtained from a gas refinery containing 0.3360 mol.% H2S (equivalent to 3360 ppm) were tested. It was observed that the permeance of components was affected by the balance between competitive sorption and plasticization effects. Separation factors of H2S/CH4 were in the range of 1.3–2.9, 1.8–3.1 and 2.2–4.3 at pressures of 345, 517 and 689 kPa, respectively. In the range of 101–5008 ppm of H2S in CH4, the effect of temperature on the separation factor was nearly negligible; however, permeances of both components of the mixtures increased with temperature. Additionally, the results obtained by PEUU membrane indicated that it was a better choice for hydrogen sulfide separation from H2S/CH4 mixtures than PPO. For PPO membrane, removal of hydrogen sulfide from high-concentration (up to 5008 ppm) binary mixtures of H2S/CH4 was compared with that of low concentration (as low as 101 ppm) through PPO. At concentrations of 101–968 ppm, plasticization was dominant compared with the competitive sorption, while for the H2S feed concentrations of 3048 ppm, the competitive sorption effect was dominant. For H2S concentration of 5008 ppm, the balance between these two effects played an important role for explanation of its trend.


PPO and PEUU membranes; Mixed gas permeation; Acid gas; Plasticization; Competitive sorption
برای دانلود از شناسه و رمز عبور پرتال پویا استفاده کنید.

author = {S. M. S. Niknejad and H. Savoji and Pourafshari Chenar, Mahdi and M. Soltanieh},
title = {Separation of H2S from CH4 by polymeric membranes at different H2S concentrations},
journal = {International journal of Environmental Science and Technology},
year = {2017},
volume = {14},
number = {2},
month = {January},
issn = {1735-1472},
pages = {375--384},
numpages = {9},
keywords = {PPO and PEUU membranes; Mixed gas permeation; Acid gas; Plasticization; Competitive sorption},


%0 Journal Article
%T Separation of H2S from CH4 by polymeric membranes at different H2S concentrations
%A S. M. S. Niknejad
%A H. Savoji
%A Pourafshari Chenar, Mahdi
%A M. Soltanieh
%J International journal of Environmental Science and Technology
%@ 1735-1472
%D 2017
