Multimedia Tools and Applications, Volume (77), No (10), Year (2018-5) , Pages (12057-12072)

Title : ( A new hybrid denoising model based on PDEs )

Authors: neda mohamadi , Ali Reza Soheili , Faezeh Toutounian Mashhad ,

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In this paper, a novel denoising algorithm based on the denoising methods of partial differential equations is presented. The proposed algorithm is obtained by using a stochastic algorithm for combining two denoising methods based on partial differential equations. The model provides a new approach for solving the contradiction in the image restoration. The new hybrid model has more ability to restore the image in terms of peak signal to noise ratio, blind/referenceless image spatial quality evaluator and visual quality, compared with each of denoising methods separately used. Experimental results show that our approach is more efficient in image denoising than the used denoising methods.


, Image denoising, Stochastic optimization algorithm, PDE-based model
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author = {Mohamadi, Neda and Soheili, Ali Reza and Toutounian Mashhad, Faezeh},
title = {A new hybrid denoising model based on PDEs},
journal = {Multimedia Tools and Applications},
year = {2018},
volume = {77},
number = {10},
month = {May},
issn = {1380-7501},
pages = {12057--12072},
numpages = {15},
keywords = {Image denoising; Stochastic optimization algorithm; PDE-based model},


%0 Journal Article
%T A new hybrid denoising model based on PDEs
%A Mohamadi, Neda
%A Soheili, Ali Reza
%A Toutounian Mashhad, Faezeh
%J Multimedia Tools and Applications
%@ 1380-7501
%D 2018
