Radiation Protection Dosimetry, ( ISI ), Volume (156), No (3), Year (2013-9) , Pages (349-355)

Title : ( Modelling boron-lined proportional counter response to neutrons )

Authors: A. Shahri , Nima Ghal-Eh , G. R. Etaati ,

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The detailed Monte Carlo simulation of a boron-lined proportional counter response to a neutron source has been presented. The MCNP4C and experimental data on different source–moderator geometries have been given for comparison. The influence of different irradiation geometries and boron-lining thicknesses on the detector response has been studied.


, Boron, lined detector; Neutron; Monte Carlo
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author = {A. Shahri and Ghal-Eh, Nima and G. R. Etaati},
title = {Modelling boron-lined proportional counter response to neutrons},
journal = {Radiation Protection Dosimetry},
year = {2013},
volume = {156},
number = {3},
month = {September},
issn = {0144-8420},
pages = {349--355},
numpages = {6},
keywords = {Boron-lined detector; Neutron; Monte Carlo},


%0 Journal Article
%T Modelling boron-lined proportional counter response to neutrons
%A A. Shahri
%A Ghal-Eh, Nima
%A G. R. Etaati
%J Radiation Protection Dosimetry
%@ 0144-8420
%D 2013
