International Congress on Biomedicine , 2017-12-18

Title : ( In silico evaluation of anti-retroviral effects of lactoferrin from different species )

Authors: Ali Javadmanesh , marjan azghandi ,

Citation: BibTeX | EndNote


Lactoferrin (lf) is an iron binding glycoprotein that is present in body fluids and mucosal secretions. antimicrobial properties of lf against bacteria, fungi and several viruses have been approved in a large number experiments. lf prevents entry of virus in the host cell, either by blocking cellular receptors, or by direct binding to the virus particles. rotavirus is a member of the reoviridae-family which is the most frequent cause of non-bacterial gastroenteritis in neonates and children, killing approximately one million people each year. it has been approved that lf or its derivatives not only prevents infection, but also maintains an antiviral effect after the virus has penetrated the cell. a comprehensive study comparing anti-retroviral properties of lfs derived from different species of farm animal and human has not yet assessed. in the current study, in silico evaluation of antiviral effects of lactoferrin from different species such as cattle, sheep, goat, double and single-humped camel, horse, buffalo and human against retrovirus was evaluated by a protein-protein docking approach. Results showed that the human lf had the highest binding energy (-37.1 kcal/mol) among other studied farm animals. the second highest binding energy belonged to cattle lf (-25.6 kcal/mol) and the lowest energy belonged to horse lf.


, Lactoferrin, antivirus, in silico, human, cattle
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author = {Javadmanesh, Ali and Azghandi, Marjan},
title = {In silico evaluation of anti-retroviral effects of lactoferrin from different species},
booktitle = {International Congress on Biomedicine},
year = {2017},
location = {تهران, IRAN},
keywords = {Lactoferrin; antivirus; in silico; human; cattle},


%0 Conference Proceedings
%T In silico evaluation of anti-retroviral effects of lactoferrin from different species
%A Javadmanesh, Ali
%A Azghandi, Marjan
%J International Congress on Biomedicine
%D 2017
