New Astronomy, Volume (62), No (1), Year (2018-2) , Pages (115-120)

Title : ( Distribution functions of electrons in the Earth and Venus ionospheres: Effects on the propagation of localized waves )

Authors: Marzieh Ghobakhloo , Mohammad Ebrahim Zomorrodian , Kurosh Javidan ,

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The energy distribution of electrons in Earth and Venus ionospheres are very different. Measured data from these two plasma regions are analyzed and the best fitted distribution functions have been derived. Our results show that the nonextensive distribution is the best function for electrons in the earth while superthermal distribution provide more suitable result in the Venus ionosphere. In both cases acceptable fits on observations clearly show that electrons are distributed out of their thermal equilibrium. Propagation of small amplitude dust-ion acoustic solitary waves (DIASWs) in Earth and Venus ionospheres based on the derived distribution functions for electrons is investigated. Moreover, effects of presenting different polarity of dust grains are studied. Characteristics of propagated waves in both cases are described using derived distributions.


, Earth ionosphere, Venus ionosphere, Dust ion acoustic solitary wave, Dust polarity
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author = {Ghobakhloo, Marzieh and Zomorrodian, Mohammad Ebrahim and Javidan, Kurosh},
title = {Distribution functions of electrons in the Earth and Venus ionospheres: Effects on the propagation of localized waves},
journal = {New Astronomy},
year = {2018},
volume = {62},
number = {1},
month = {February},
issn = {1384-1076},
pages = {115--120},
numpages = {5},
keywords = {Earth ionosphere; Venus ionosphere; Dust ion acoustic solitary wave; Dust polarity},


%0 Journal Article
%T Distribution functions of electrons in the Earth and Venus ionospheres: Effects on the propagation of localized waves
%A Ghobakhloo, Marzieh
%A Zomorrodian, Mohammad Ebrahim
%A Javidan, Kurosh
%J New Astronomy
%@ 1384-1076
%D 2018
