Title : ( Numerical and Experimental Study on Ratcheting Behavior of Plates with Circular Cutouts under Cyclic Axial Loading )
Authors: kamal kolasangiani , Mahmoud Shariati , Khalil Farhangdoost , A. Varvani-Farahani ,Abstract
In this paper, accumulation of plastic deformation of AISI 1045 steel plates with circular cutouts under cyclic axial loading is studied. Loading was applied under force-control conditions. Experimental tests were performed using a Zwick/Roell servo hydraulic machine. Under force-control loading with nonzero mean force, plastic strain was accumulated in continuous cycles called ratcheting. Numerical analysis was carried out by ABAQUS software using nonlinear isotropic/kinematic hardening model. The results of the numerical simulations were compared to experimental data. The results demonstrated that the ratcheting response of plates with circular cutouts could be numerically simulated with a reasonable accuracy. It was observed that the local and global plastic deformation increase with increasing the notch diameter. Also, maximum principal stress was the main parameter for initiation of crack around the notch. Based on numerical results, at notch root, both ratcheting strain and local mean stress relaxation was occur simultaneously and due to relaxation of local mean stress, plastic shakedown was occurred.