Carpathian Journal of Food Science and Technology, Volume (9), No (4), Year (2017-12) , Pages (119-130)

Title : ( Evaluation of dough rheology and quality of sugarfree biscuits: isomalt, maltodextrin, and stevia )

Authors: kiana Pourmohammadi , Mohammad B Habibi Najafi , M.Majzoobi , Arash Koocheki , A.Farahnaki ,

Citation: BibTeX | EndNote


In this study, the sucrose replacement by different concentrations as well as a combination of isomalt, maltodextrin, and stevia was approached to produce sugar-free biscuits. Some parameters of produced sugar-free biscuits such as dough rheology, texture, color, volume and density after baking under controlled conditions were investigated using instrumentally and sensory evaluation. The increment in the concentration of incorporated isomalt resulted in harder texture as well as lower volume. Prepared biscuits with 6% isomalt, 2.5% maltodextrin, and 0.06% stevia were reported as darker, and 3% isomalt, 2.5% maltodextrin, and 0.07% stevia were noted as lighter among the investigated samples. Incorporation of 6% isomalt, 2.5% maltodextrin, and 0.06% stevia resulted in the biscuits more comparable to elaborate one with sucrose, and with the highest acceptance level in sensory evaluations. However, the lowest level of quality biscuits was obtained using 0.06% stevia solely.


, Sugar-free biscuits, Isomalt, Maltodextrin, Stevia, Quality.
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author = {Pourmohammadi, Kiana and Habibi Najafi, Mohammad B and and Koocheki, Arash and },
title = {Evaluation of dough rheology and quality of sugarfree biscuits: isomalt, maltodextrin, and stevia},
journal = {Carpathian Journal of Food Science and Technology},
year = {2017},
volume = {9},
number = {4},
month = {December},
issn = {2066-6845},
pages = {119--130},
numpages = {11},
keywords = {Sugar-free biscuits; Isomalt; Maltodextrin; Stevia; Quality.},


%0 Journal Article
%T Evaluation of dough rheology and quality of sugarfree biscuits: isomalt, maltodextrin, and stevia
%A Pourmohammadi, Kiana
%A Habibi Najafi, Mohammad B
%A Koocheki, Arash
%J Carpathian Journal of Food Science and Technology
%@ 2066-6845
%D 2017
