Phytotaxa, ( ISI ), Volume (356), No (4), Year (2018-6) , Pages (241-266)

Title : ( A taxonomic revision of the genus Aethionema s.l. (Brassicaceae) in Iran )

Authors: Hamid Moazzeni , I. A. AL-SHEHBAZ , D. A. GERMAN , M. ASSADI , J. MÜLLER , Mohammad Reza Joharchi , Farshid Memariani ,

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The present revision focuses on the enigmatic Southwest Asian genus Aethionema in Iran based on taxonomic literature, fieldwork, and study of over 400 herbarium specimens. As a result of the present study, A. diastrophis and A. transhyrcanumare newly found for Iran. The former is morphologically closer to A. membranaceum and A. kopetdaghi rather than to A. spinosum,under which it was previously synonymized. Aethionema edentulum and A. levandowskyi are placed in the synonymy of A. membranaceum and A. grandiflorum, respectively. The genus is represented in Iran by 16 species, of which six are endemic. Detailed descriptions, distribution maps, IUCN conservation status assessments, and illustrations of the species are provided. The lectotypes of A. cordatum, A. elongatum, A. fimbriatum, A. grandiflorum, A. koenigii, A. moricandianum, A. pallidiflorum, A. pulchellum, A. recurvum, A. schelkownikowii, A. sintenisii, A. spinosum, A. stenopterum, A. umbellatum, A. virgatum, A. woronowii, Lepidium intricatum, and Moriera gracilis are designated.


, Aethionema, Cruciferae, Iranian flora, lectotypification, synonymy, systematic revision
برای دانلود از شناسه و رمز عبور پرتال پویا استفاده کنید.

author = {Moazzeni, Hamid and I. A. AL-SHEHBAZ and D. A. GERMAN and M. ASSADI and J. MÜLLER and Joharchi, Mohammad Reza and Memariani, Farshid},
title = {A taxonomic revision of the genus Aethionema s.l. (Brassicaceae) in Iran},
journal = {Phytotaxa},
year = {2018},
volume = {356},
number = {4},
month = {June},
issn = {1179-3155},
pages = {241--266},
numpages = {25},
keywords = {Aethionema; Cruciferae; Iranian flora; lectotypification; synonymy; systematic revision},


%0 Journal Article
%T A taxonomic revision of the genus Aethionema s.l. (Brassicaceae) in Iran
%A Moazzeni, Hamid
%A Joharchi, Mohammad Reza
%A Memariani, Farshid
%J Phytotaxa
%@ 1179-3155
%D 2018
