Journal of Inclusion Phenomena and Macrocyclic Chemistry, ( ISI ), Volume (92), No (1), Year (2018-9) , Pages (103-114)

Title : ( Theoretical evaluation of symmetrical α,α′,δ,δ′-tetramethyl cucurbit[6]uril for haloalkane 1-(3-chlorophenyl)- 4-(3-chloropropyl)-piperazinium and chloroform encapsulation )

Authors: Aliyeh Mehranfar , Mohammad Izadyar ,

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In the present study, structures and electronic properties of inclusion complexes of TMeQ[6] with PZ+ and CHCl3 were investigated, using the density functional theory calculations and molecular dynamic (MD) simulations. Theoretical results at the M05-2X-D3/6-31G(d) level clearly confirm that the inclusion complex formation is energetically feasible, and PZ+@TMeQ[6] formation is more favorable than CHCl3@TMeQ[6]. Natural bond orbital and quantum theory of atoms in molecules analyses were applied to investigate the electron transfer and topological properties of the interactions of TMeQ[6] and guest compounds. Non-covalence nature, van der Waals, of the host-guest interactions was confirmed by non-covalent interactions-reduced density gradient method. Finally, the effect of solvent was taken into account by using the MD simulations. According to H-bond analysis in the MD simulations, the importance of hydrogen bonding interactions was confirmed only in PZ+@ TMeQ[6] complex, the studied inclusion complexes are more stable in chloroform, because of a high value of van der Waals interactions. This study show that TMeQ[6] as a good candidate for sensing.


, Tetramethyl-cucurbit[6]uril, Molecular dynamic, Dispersion, Inclusion complex, Non-covalent interaction
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author = {Mehranfar, Aliyeh and Izadyar, Mohammad},
title = {Theoretical evaluation of symmetrical α,α′,δ,δ′-tetramethyl cucurbit[6]uril for haloalkane 1-(3-chlorophenyl)- 4-(3-chloropropyl)-piperazinium and chloroform encapsulation},
journal = {Journal of Inclusion Phenomena and Macrocyclic Chemistry},
year = {2018},
volume = {92},
number = {1},
month = {September},
issn = {1388-3127},
pages = {103--114},
numpages = {11},
keywords = {Tetramethyl-cucurbit[6]uril; Molecular dynamic; Dispersion; Inclusion complex; Non-covalent interaction},


%0 Journal Article
%T Theoretical evaluation of symmetrical α,α′,δ,δ′-tetramethyl cucurbit[6]uril for haloalkane 1-(3-chlorophenyl)- 4-(3-chloropropyl)-piperazinium and chloroform encapsulation
%A Mehranfar, Aliyeh
%A Izadyar, Mohammad
%J Journal of Inclusion Phenomena and Macrocyclic Chemistry
%@ 1388-3127
%D 2018
