Applied Radiation and Isotopes, ( ISI ), Volume (147), No (3), Year (2019-5) , Pages (189-196)

Title : ( A fuel for generation IV nuclear energy system: Isotopic composition and radiation characteristics )

Authors: S. V. Bedenko , Nima Ghal-Eh , Igor Lutsik , I.V. Shamanin ,

Citation: BibTeX | EndNote


This paper reports on an important issue of designing appropriate nuclear fuel of a high-temperature gas-cooled nuclear reactor operating in a thorium-plutonium nuclear fuel cycle. The neutronic calculations for a fuel of specific isotopic composition were performed before the analyses were done on the alpha emission probabilities, and on the neutron and photon sources as a result of (α,n) reaction. The main focus was on the quantitative evaluation of the neutron yield and the neutron energy spectrum for the generated neutrons through (α,n) reaction on light nuclei of dispersed nuclear fuel. Tests were carried out with the aim of creating an efficient calculation tool for the initial evaluation of the radiation characteristics for the irradiated multi-layer nuclear fuel with different configurations and compositions.


Alpha particle; Isotopic composition; Neutron source; Thorium reactor
برای دانلود از شناسه و رمز عبور پرتال پویا استفاده کنید.

author = {S.V. Bedenko and Ghal-Eh, Nima and Igor Lutsik and I.V. Shamanin},
title = {A fuel for generation IV nuclear energy system: Isotopic composition and radiation characteristics},
journal = {Applied Radiation and Isotopes},
year = {2019},
volume = {147},
number = {3},
month = {May},
issn = {0969-8043},
pages = {189--196},
numpages = {7},
keywords = {Alpha particle; Isotopic composition; Neutron source; Thorium reactor},


%0 Journal Article
%T A fuel for generation IV nuclear energy system: Isotopic composition and radiation characteristics
%A S.V. Bedenko
%A Ghal-Eh, Nima
%A Igor Lutsik
%A I.V. Shamanin
%J Applied Radiation and Isotopes
%@ 0969-8043
%D 2019
