Molecules, ( ISI ), Volume (24), No (9), Year (2019-5) , Pages (1-10)

Title : ( Evaluation of Biological Response of Lettuce -Lactuca sativa L.- and Weeds to Safranal Allelochemical of Saffron -Crocus sativus- by Using Static Exposure Method )

Authors: Hossein Mardani , John Maninang , Kwame Sarpong Appiah , Yosei Oikawa , Majid Azizi , Yoshiharu Fujii ,

Citation: BibTeX | EndNote


Safranal, the main volatile chemical of Saffron -Crocus sativus- was studied to estimate its allelopathic effects on the photosynthetic pigment chlorophyll, leaf electrolyte leakage, fresh weight, catalase -CAT-, and peroxidase -POX- activity of the test plant Lettuce -Lactuca sativa-. In this study, the effective concentration -EC50- of safranal on CAT was estimated to be 6.12 µg/cm3. CAT activity was inhibited in a dose-dependent manner by the increase in the safranal concentration while POX activity was increased. Moreover, Safranal caused significant physiological changes in chlorophyll content, leaf electrolyte leakage, and fresh weight of several weed species with Lolium multiflorum being the most sensitive. Furthermore, 5 µM Safranal showed significant inhibitory activity against dicotyledonous in comparison to the monocotyledons under greenhouse conditions. The inhibition of the CAT by safranal was similar to those of uncompetitive inhibitors, and therefore the decline in carbon fixation by plants might be the mechanism behind the inhibitory activity of safranal.


allelopathy; allelochemicals; catalase activity; volatile organic compounds; safranal
برای دانلود از شناسه و رمز عبور پرتال پویا استفاده کنید.

author = {Hossein Mardani and John Maninang and Kwame Sarpong Appiah and Yosei Oikawa and Azizi, Majid and Yoshiharu Fujii},
title = {Evaluation of Biological Response of Lettuce -Lactuca sativa L.- and Weeds to Safranal Allelochemical of Saffron -Crocus sativus- by Using Static Exposure Method},
journal = {Molecules},
year = {2019},
volume = {24},
number = {9},
month = {May},
issn = {1420-3049},
pages = {1--10},
numpages = {9},
keywords = {allelopathy; allelochemicals; catalase activity; volatile organic compounds; safranal},


%0 Journal Article
%T Evaluation of Biological Response of Lettuce -Lactuca sativa L.- and Weeds to Safranal Allelochemical of Saffron -Crocus sativus- by Using Static Exposure Method
%A Hossein Mardani
%A John Maninang
%A Kwame Sarpong Appiah
%A Yosei Oikawa
%A Azizi, Majid
%A Yoshiharu Fujii
%J Molecules
%@ 1420-3049
%D 2019
