Title : ( The Effect of Sport on Audience Attention to Advertising with Use of brain Activity )
Authors: zahra aminiroshan , Seyed Morteza Azimzadeh , Mahdi Talebpour , majid ghoshoni ,Access to full-text not allowed by authors
Abstract Background: Attention is considered as a source for storing and processing memory activities. No perceptual processing is done in the brain without attention, because no information (visual or auditory) enters the brain without information. Purpose: The purpose of this study was to investigate and compare the amount of attention to sport and non-sport advertising with use of brain waves. Materials and Methods: The research design was semi experimental and 30 participants (15 men and 15 women) watched two Apple ads (sports and non - sports). In this research, the Neuro Guide software was used to convert electro-encephalographic data to quantitative data. To test the hypotheses of the research, repeated measure variance analysis was used. Results: The results of the study showed that attention during watching the sports advertising more increase than non-sport advertising and made significant difference. In other words sport advertising can allocate lower alpha power in frontal and prefrontal of brain whereas, this decrease did not occur when watching non-sport advertising. This difference was also examined in terms of gender effect and the results showed that there was no significant difference between male and female. Conclusion: Finally, it is suggested that, Sport has the high potential to attract people’s attention, which is one of the main goals companies and industry owners. It can made more attention in people toward advertised product and lead to more durable and better retention of the brand, therefore causes increase buying product or brand advertised.