European Journal of Clinical Investigation, Volume (50), No (11), Year (2020-10)

Title : ( Investigating the capabilities of information technologies to support policymaking in COVID‐19 crisis management; a systematic review and expert opinions )

Authors: Mohammad Mehraeen , Mehdi Dadkhah , Amirreza Mehraeen ,

Citation: BibTeX | EndNote


Abstract Background Today, numerous countries are fighting to protect themselves against the Covid‐19 crisis, while the policymakers are confounded and empty handed in dealing with this chaotic circumstance. The infection and its impacts have made it difficult to make optimal and suitable decisions. New information technologies play significant roles in such critical situations to address and relieve stress during the coronavirus crisis. This article endeavours to recognize the challenges policymakers have typically experienced during pandemic diseases, including Covid‐19, and, accordingly, new information technology capabilities to encounter with them. Material and methods The current study utilizes the synthesis of findings of experts’ opinions within the systematic review process as the research method to recognize the best available evidence drawn from text and opinion to offer practical guidance for policymakers. Results The results illustrate that the challenges fall into two categories including; encountering the disease and reducing the results of the disease. Furthermore, Internet of things, cloud computing, machine learning and social networking play the most significant roles to address these challenges.


, Covid-19, crisis management policies, Informational Technology capabilities, pandemic management
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author = {Mehraeen, Mohammad and Dadkhah, Mehdi and Amirreza Mehraeen},
title = {Investigating the capabilities of information technologies to support policymaking in COVID‐19 crisis management; a systematic review and expert opinions},
journal = {European Journal of Clinical Investigation},
year = {2020},
volume = {50},
number = {11},
month = {October},
issn = {0014-2972},
keywords = {Covid-19; crisis management policies; Informational Technology capabilities; pandemic management},


%0 Journal Article
%T Investigating the capabilities of information technologies to support policymaking in COVID‐19 crisis management; a systematic review and expert opinions
%A Mehraeen, Mohammad
%A Dadkhah, Mehdi
%A Amirreza Mehraeen
%J European Journal of Clinical Investigation
%@ 0014-2972
%D 2020
