Quantum Information Processing, Volume (19), No (10), Year (2020-9)

Title : ( A dynamic programming approach for distributing quantum circuits by bipartite graphs )

Authors: zohreh davarzani , Mariam Zomorodi-Moghadam , Mahboobeh Houshmand , Mostafa Nouri Baygi ,

Citation: BibTeX | EndNote


There are many challenges involved in building near-term large-scale quantum computers. Some of these challenges can be overcome by partitioning a quantum circuit into smaller parts and allowing each part to be executed on a smaller quantum unit. This approach is known as distributed quantum computation. In this study, a dynamic programming algorithm is proposed to minimize the number of communications in a distributed quantum circuit. This algorithm consists of two steps: first, the quantum circuit is converted into a bipartite graph model, and then a dynamic programming approach is proposed to partition the model into low-capacity quantum circuits. The proposed approach is evaluated on some benchmark quantum circuits, and a remarkable reduction in the number of required teleportations is obtained.


Quantum computation · Quantum circuit · Distributed quantum circuit · Dynamic programming
برای دانلود از شناسه و رمز عبور پرتال پویا استفاده کنید.

author = {Davarzani, Zohreh and Zomorodi-Moghadam, Mariam and Mahboobeh Houshmand and Nouri Baygi, Mostafa},
title = {A dynamic programming approach for distributing quantum circuits by bipartite graphs},
journal = {Quantum Information Processing},
year = {2020},
volume = {19},
number = {10},
month = {September},
issn = {1570-0755},
keywords = {Quantum computation · Quantum circuit · Distributed quantum circuit · Dynamic programming},


%0 Journal Article
%T A dynamic programming approach for distributing quantum circuits by bipartite graphs
%A Davarzani, Zohreh
%A Zomorodi-Moghadam, Mariam
%A Mahboobeh Houshmand
%A Nouri Baygi, Mostafa
%J Quantum Information Processing
%@ 1570-0755
%D 2020
