Journal of Urban Planning and Development, Volume (147), No (3), Year (2021-9) , Pages (05021026-40)

Title : ( Transformation of Urban Spaces within Cities in the Context of Globalization and Urban Competitiveness )

Authors: Hooman Ghahremani , Linda McCarthy ,

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Urban spaces are important components within cities that can improve urban competitiveness in the context of inter-city competition. The notion of urban space in today’s increasingly globalizing world has been transformed in response to new physical-spatial needs and circumstances. This study seeks to identify important factors in changing urban spaces within cities with respect to globalization and urban competitiveness. After reviewing the relevant literature, a number of cases of urban developments in four global cities (Istanbul, Shanghai, Singapore, and Tokyo), are examined to identify important factors of transformation within cities in the context of globalization and urban competitiveness. The findings illustrate nine underlying urban space transformation factors that embrace 37 key strategies. These factors include realization of environmental and social sustainability; emphasis on the arts, culture, and local assets; international collaborations in the design of spaces and delivery of services; application of modern technologies (construction, information, and communications); privatization of property markets; the notion of a cosmopolitan public sphere; planning for leisure activities and urban tourism; experience economy and encouraging consumerism; and service-based economy and knowledge-based industries. The interaction between these factors and the preconditions of each city, such as a city’s competitiveness ability and contextual issues, create the lens through which urban space transformation could be understood. This study may provide insights for policy makers and professionals to apply and implement urban space transformation strategies with respect to globalization and urban competitiveness.


, Urban spaces within cities, globalization, urban competitiveness, Istanbul, Shanghai, Singapore, Tokyo
برای دانلود از شناسه و رمز عبور پرتال پویا استفاده کنید.

author = {Ghahremani, Hooman and لیندا مک کارتی},
title = {Transformation of Urban Spaces within Cities in the Context of Globalization and Urban Competitiveness},
journal = {Journal of Urban Planning and Development},
year = {2021},
volume = {147},
number = {3},
month = {September},
issn = {0733-9488},
pages = {05021026--40},
numpages = {-5020986},
keywords = {Urban spaces within cities; globalization; urban competitiveness; Istanbul; Shanghai; Singapore; Tokyo},


%0 Journal Article
%T Transformation of Urban Spaces within Cities in the Context of Globalization and Urban Competitiveness
%A Ghahremani, Hooman
%A لیندا مک کارتی
%J Journal of Urban Planning and Development
%@ 0733-9488
%D 2021
