Electrochimica Acta, ( ISI ), Volume (391), No (1), Year (2021-9) , Pages (138926-13)

Title : ( Photoelectrochemical water splitting by a novel design of photo-anode: inverse opal-like UiO-66 sensitized by Pd and decorated with S,N graphene QDs )

Authors: Mahboobeh Zargazi , Mohammad Hassan Entezari ,

Citation: BibTeX | EndNote


UiO-66 film has been interested for photoelectrodes in water splitting, but it has major problems such as inappropriate band gap and resistant behavior under bias potential. An inverse opal structure was synthe- sized for the first time and sensitized by plasmonic nanoparticles (Pd) and strategically decorated with S,N graphene quantum dots (S,N GQDs). Consequently, the UiO-66/Pd/S,N GQDs photoanode has indicated a remarkable photocurrent density of ≈300 μA cm −2 at 1.23 V versus RHE under AM 1.5G. Applied bias photon-to-current efficiency (ABPE) is 0.66% at 0.65 V versus RHE and absorbed photon-to-electron con- version efficiency (APCE) is 19.7% under visible light at 500 nm. This high efficiency originated from the engineering of band gap and effective reduction of charge transfer resistance of MOF with the incorpora- tion of Pd nanoparticles. The combination of morphology and composition regulatory of UiO-66 films has key roles in the fabrication of more desirable designing photoelectrodes for photoelectrochemical (PEC) water splitting.


, UiO-66 film, PEC water splitting, S, N GQDs, Plasmonic Pd, Photoelectrode
برای دانلود از شناسه و رمز عبور پرتال پویا استفاده کنید.

author = {Zargazi, Mahboobeh and Entezari, Mohammad Hassan},
title = {Photoelectrochemical water splitting by a novel design of photo-anode: inverse opal-like UiO-66 sensitized by Pd and decorated with S,N graphene QDs},
journal = {Electrochimica Acta},
year = {2021},
volume = {391},
number = {1},
month = {September},
issn = {0013-4686},
pages = {138926--13},
numpages = {-138913},
keywords = {UiO-66 film; PEC water splitting; S;N GQDs; Plasmonic Pd; Photoelectrode},


%0 Journal Article
%T Photoelectrochemical water splitting by a novel design of photo-anode: inverse opal-like UiO-66 sensitized by Pd and decorated with S,N graphene QDs
%A Zargazi, Mahboobeh
%A Entezari, Mohammad Hassan
%J Electrochimica Acta
%@ 0013-4686
%D 2021
