Landscape Research, Volume (47), No (3), Year (2021-12) , Pages (333-353)

Title : ( Hierarchical access to the edible landscape: the Akbarieh Garden in Iran )

Authors: Majid Amani-Beni , Mohammad Reza Khalilnezhad , Sara Mahdizadeh ,

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The Akbarieh Garden in Iran accommodates both pleasure and edible landscapes. In this study, visitor accessibility of the fruit trees of this garden was assessed using continuous and stop-motion walking modes. Results indicated that in the continuous walking mode, focus rested more on recognising the macro elements of the garden along the walkways; therefore, the edible landscape was not adequately considered. In the stop-motion mode, by stopping in successive landscape sequences, the edible landscape could be accessed. However, access to the edible land- scape in Akbarieh Garden was limited by several factors. While the peri- meter wall limited accessibility, spatial organisation of the garden along two walkways channelled visitors towards the pleasure landscape. In addition, an impenetrable green wall (boxwood) also limited access to the agricultural landscape. Thus, obstacles, longer walks, and the location of the edible landscape in the garden decreased the accessibility of fruit trees in this semi-public urban space.


, Akbarieh Garden; accessibility; edible landscape; continuous walking; stop, motion walking; fruit trees; World Heritage Site
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author = {Majid Amani-Beni and Mohammad Reza Khalilnezhad and Mahdizadeh, Sara},
title = {Hierarchical access to the edible landscape: the Akbarieh Garden in Iran},
journal = {Landscape Research},
year = {2021},
volume = {47},
number = {3},
month = {December},
issn = {0142-6397},
pages = {333--353},
numpages = {20},
keywords = {Akbarieh Garden; accessibility; edible landscape; continuous walking; stop-motion walking; fruit trees; World Heritage Site},


%0 Journal Article
%T Hierarchical access to the edible landscape: the Akbarieh Garden in Iran
%A Majid Amani-Beni
%A Mohammad Reza Khalilnezhad
%A Mahdizadeh, Sara
%J Landscape Research
%@ 0142-6397
%D 2021
