XXVIII Workshop \\\"Siberian Aerosols\\\" , 2021-11-21

Title : ( Role of synoptic meteorological circulation in the formation of dust outbreaks in Aral-Caspian sea depressions/deserts: 7-9 September 2021 case )

Authors: Alireza Rashki , K. Mohammadpour , D.G. Kaskaoutis , D.V. Simonenkov , K.A.Shukurov ,

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In this study, daily aerosol optical depth (AOD) obtained from Terra-MODIS and meteorological fields from ERA-5 reanalysis are used to examine the dust outbreaks of 7-9 September 2021 in Central Asia, which resulted in high dust accumulation over the Karakum desert and northeast Iran. The most dust-affected area is defined using the highest AOD variances during the dust cases. The satellite data showed high AODs, with maximums on 8 September, indicating an intense dust plume from the Aral dried bottom toward the south affecting Turkmenistan, NE Iran, and Afghanistan. The results show that changes in the intensity and expansion of the Caspian Sea\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s high pressure modulate strong northerlies or northeasterlies over Central Asia, which are associated with anticyclonic dust storms over the desert areas (Aralkum, Karakum). On 7 September, the northwesterly and northerly winds over Central Asia dominated, but descending dynamic conditions behind the subtropical jet stream and the trough over the Russian Volga and Pre-Caspian regions at 500 and 700 hPa, created strong downdrafts and a strong anticyclonic flow responsible for dust emissions over Central Asia. In addition, on 9 September, the northerly winds over Central Asia dominated, but the decoration of the high-pressure, apart from intense values, allows them to traverse till the east coast of the Caspian Sea, where they converge the high dust accumulation over the Caspian Sea and central-east Turkmenistan. Furthermore, the upper-level subtropical jet stream moved eastward during the dust outbreaks, with core over east Kazakhstan in the highest outbreak of 8 September. These wind regimes diverge over the Karakum desert, facilitating dust accumulation over the area.


, dust circulation; aerosol optical depth (AOD); dust outbreaks; Aral, Caspian Sea
برای دانلود از شناسه و رمز عبور پرتال پویا استفاده کنید.

author = {Rashki, Alireza and کاوه محمدپور and D.G. Kaskaoutis and D.V. Simonenkov and K.A.Shukurov},
title = {Role of synoptic meteorological circulation in the formation of dust outbreaks in Aral-Caspian sea depressions/deserts: 7-9 September 2021 case},
booktitle = {XXVIII Workshop \\\"Siberian Aerosols\\\"},
year = {2021},
location = {Tomsk},
keywords = {dust circulation; aerosol optical depth (AOD); dust outbreaks; Aral-Caspian Sea},


%0 Conference Proceedings
%T Role of synoptic meteorological circulation in the formation of dust outbreaks in Aral-Caspian sea depressions/deserts: 7-9 September 2021 case
%A Rashki, Alireza
%A کاوه محمدپور
%A D.G. Kaskaoutis
%A D.V. Simonenkov
%A K.A.Shukurov
%J XXVIII Workshop \\\"Siberian Aerosols\\\"
%D 2021
