LWT- Food Science and Technology, ( ISI ), Volume (182), Year (2023-6)

Title : ( Using pulsed electric field pre-treatment to optimize coriander seeds essential oil extraction and evaluate antimicrobial properties, antioxidant activity, and essential oil compositions )

Authors: Negin Ghazanfari , Farideh Tabatabaei yazdi , Sayed Ali Mortazavi , Morteza Mohammadi ,

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In this study, a pulse electric field was used as a pre-treatment to extract essential oil (EO) from coriander seeds. Three voltage levels of 0.25, 1, and 1.75 kV/cm and three levels of pulse numbers 10, 55, and 100 were used and the extraction conditions were optimized. EO extraction efficiency, phenolic content, antioxidant activity, oxidative stability of oil treated with coriander seeds EO, and microbial activity were measured. Optimal conditions were obtained at 1 kV/cm and 55 pulses. The best results were obtained at the optimal point, which included the EO extraction efficiency of 0.39 g/100 g, the total phenolic content of 0.199 mg GAE/100 g, the antioxidant activity of 20.732 mg/ml, and the oxidative stability of 5.98 h. Linalool (61.9%) was the most common constituent of coriander seeds EO. According to SEM results, the inhibitory effect of coriander seeds EO was on the bacterial cell wall.


Pulse electric field Essential oil Antioxidant Phenolic content Antimicrobial