Journal of High Energy Physics, ( ISI ), Volume (2023), No (9), Year (2023-9)

Title : ( Effective action of heterotic string theory at order α′2 )

Authors: Mohammad Reza Garousi ,

Citation: BibTeX | EndNote


Upon examining the effective action of the heterotic string theory at order $\\\\alpha\\\'^2$, an inconsistency between the Chern-Simons coupling $\\\\Omega^2$ and T-duality has been discovered. To address this issue, we introduce 60 parity-even independent geometrical couplings involving the $B$-field, metric, and dilation at the same order, each with arbitrary coefficients. To ensure the invariance of these couplings under T-duality, we consider the Miessner action for the couplings at order $\\\\alpha\\\'$ and rigorously determine the coefficients of the 60 couplings in terms of the Chern-Simons coupling. Notably, it is found that the coefficients of the Riemann cubed terms must be zero, which aligns with the results of S-matrix calculations. Additionally, the parity odd couplings at order $\\\\alpha\\\'^2$ are obtained through T-duality. Overall, our analysis successfully resolves the inconsistency between the Chern-Simons coupling and T-duality, providing a more comprehensive understanding of the behavior of the heterotic string theory at order $\\\\alpha\\\'^2$.


, T-duality, effective action
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author = {Garousi, Mohammad Reza},
title = {Effective action of heterotic string theory at order α′2},
journal = {Journal of High Energy Physics},
year = {2023},
volume = {2023},
number = {9},
month = {September},
issn = {1029-8479},
keywords = {T-duality; effective action},


%0 Journal Article
%T Effective action of heterotic string theory at order α′2
%A Garousi, Mohammad Reza
%J Journal of High Energy Physics
%@ 1029-8479
%D 2023
