Emerging Infectious Diseases, Volume (22), No (12), Year (2016-12) , Pages (2078-2086)

Title : ( Whole-Genome Characterization and Strain Comparison of VT2f-ProducingEscherichiacoliCausing Hemolytic Uremic Syndrome )

Authors: Laura Grande , V Michelacci , R Bondi , F Giggliucci , E Franz , Mahdi Askari Badouei , Sabine Schlager , Fabio Minelli , Rosangela Tozzoli , Alfredo Caprioli , Stefano Morabito ,

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Verotoxigenic Escherichia coli infections in humans cause disease ranging from uncomplicated intestinal illnesses to bloody diarrhea and systemic sequelae, such as hemolytic uremic syndrome (HUS). Previous research indicated that pigeons may be a reservoir for a population of verotoxigenic E. coli producing the VT2f variant. We used whole-genome sequencing to characterize a set of VT2f-producing E. coli strains from human patients with diarrhea or HUS and from healthy pigeons. We describe a phage conveying the vtx2f genes and provide evidence that the strains causing milder diarrheal disease may be transmitted to humans from pigeons. The strains causing HUS could derive from VT2f phage acquisition by E. coli strains with a virulence genes asset resembling that of typical HUS-associated verotoxigenic E. coli.


, E.coli, HUS, Stx2f, WGS
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author = {Laura Grande and V Michelacci and R Bondi and F Giggliucci and E Franz and Askari Badouei, Mahdi and Sabine Schlager and Fabio Minelli and Rosangela Tozzoli and Alfredo Caprioli and Stefano Morabito},
title = {Whole-Genome Characterization and Strain Comparison of VT2f-ProducingEscherichiacoliCausing Hemolytic Uremic Syndrome},
journal = {Emerging Infectious Diseases},
year = {2016},
volume = {22},
number = {12},
month = {December},
issn = {1080-6040},
pages = {2078--2086},
numpages = {8},
keywords = {E.coli; HUS; Stx2f; WGS},


%0 Journal Article
%T Whole-Genome Characterization and Strain Comparison of VT2f-ProducingEscherichiacoliCausing Hemolytic Uremic Syndrome
%A Laura Grande
%A V Michelacci
%A R Bondi
%A F Giggliucci
%A E Franz
%A Askari Badouei, Mahdi
%A Sabine Schlager
%A Fabio Minelli
%A Rosangela Tozzoli
%A Alfredo Caprioli
%A Stefano Morabito
%J Emerging Infectious Diseases
%@ 1080-6040
%D 2016
