Veterinary Record, ( ISI ), Volume (167), No (22), Year (2010-11) , Pages (858-861)

Title : ( Virulence gene profiles and intimin subtypes of Shiga toxin‐producingEscherichia coliisolated from healthy and diarrhoeic calves )

Authors: Mahdi Askari Badouei , Taghi Zahraei Salehi , Mohammad Rabbani , Hassan Tadjbakhsh , Gholamreza nikbakht , Mohammad gholi Nadalian ,

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The virulence properties of Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli (STEC) strains isolated from diarrhoeic and non-diarrhoeic calves were compared. The strains were also tested for O157:H7, O111 and O26 serotypes, using PCR and conventional serotyping methods. E coli strains isolated from 297 faecal samples, from 200 diarrhoeic and 97 non-diarrhoeic calves, were screened by multiplex PCR assay for the stx1, stx2, eae and Ehly virulence genes. STECs were recovered from 8 per cent of diarrhoeic calves and 10.3 per cent of non-diarrhoeic calves. The predominant virulence gene profile was stx1/eae/Ehly (47.3 per cent) among isolates from diarrhoeic calves and eae/Ehly (36.8 per cent) among isolates from non-diarrhoeic calves. Among three tested serogroups, the predominant serogroup was O26 (18.4 per cent), and O157:H7 was not detected. Intimin subtyping by restriction fragment length polymorphism analysis revealed only three intimin subtypes (b, γ and θ). A significant difference was observed in the distribution of Int-θ between two groups. Int-θ was present in 50 per cent of the isolates from diarrhoeic calves and in 11.1 per cent of the isolates from non-diarrhoeic calves; this difference was statistically significant (P=0.01).


, Shiga toxin, PCR, Calf diarrhoa
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author = {Askari Badouei, Mahdi and Taghi Zahraei Salehi and Mohammad Rabbani and Hassan Tadjbakhsh and Gholamreza Nikbakht and Mohammad Gholi Nadalian},
title = {Virulence gene profiles and intimin subtypes of Shiga toxin‐producingEscherichia coliisolated from healthy and diarrhoeic calves},
journal = {Veterinary Record},
year = {2010},
volume = {167},
number = {22},
month = {November},
issn = {0042-4900},
pages = {858--861},
numpages = {3},
keywords = {Shiga toxin; PCR; Calf diarrhoa},


%0 Journal Article
%T Virulence gene profiles and intimin subtypes of Shiga toxin‐producingEscherichia coliisolated from healthy and diarrhoeic calves
%A Askari Badouei, Mahdi
%A Taghi Zahraei Salehi
%A Mohammad Rabbani
%A Hassan Tadjbakhsh
%A Gholamreza Nikbakht
%A Mohammad Gholi Nadalian
%J Veterinary Record
%@ 0042-4900
%D 2010
