Foods, Volume (12), No (21), Year (2023-11) , Pages (4022-4035)

Title : ( The Effect of Plasma-Activated Water Combined with Rosemary Extract (Rosmarinus officinalis L.) on the Physicochemical Properties of Frankfurter Sausage during Storage )

Authors: Fatemeh Zeraat Pisheh , Fereshteh Falah , Farideh Sanaei Ardakani , alireza vasiee , Hossein Zanganeh , Farideh Tabatabaei yazdi , Salam A Ibrahim ,

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This study investigated the impact of plasma-activated water (PAW) and rosemary extract on the bacterial inactivation and quality attributes of Frankfurter sausages during a 6-day storage period. The antibacterial activity, total phenol content (TPC), and total flavonoid content (TFC) of the rosemary extract were evaluated. The TPC of the rosemary extract was 89.45 mg gallic acid/g dry weight, while the TFC was 102.3 mg QE/g dry weight. Even at low concentrations, the rosemary extract effectively inhibited the growth of all the tested pathogens using the Well Diffusion Agar method (WDA). The sausages were treated with different concentrations of PAW and rosemary extract and stored for 1 and 6 days. Sample B (100% rosemary extract + PAW treatment) showed the greatest reduction in microbial load and was selected for further analysis. Throughout the storage period, Sample B exhibited no significant changes in pH, moisture content, textural parameters, or sensory evaluation compared to the control group. However, the hardness and color parameters (L*, a*) of Sample B decreased, while the TBARS value increased after 6 days of storage. The combination of PAW and rosemary extract, particularly Sample B, effectively inhibited bacterial growth in the Frankfurter sausages without compromising most quality attributes. Some changes in hardness, color, and lipid oxidation were observed over the extended storage period.


PAW; sausage; rosemary extract; physicochemical properties; shelf life
برای دانلود از شناسه و رمز عبور پرتال پویا استفاده کنید.

author = {Zeraat Pisheh, Fatemeh and Falah, Fereshteh and Sanaei Ardakani, Farideh and علیرضا وسیعی and حسین زنگانه and Tabatabaei Yazdi, Farideh and سلام ابراهیم},
title = {The Effect of Plasma-Activated Water Combined with Rosemary Extract (Rosmarinus officinalis L.) on the Physicochemical Properties of Frankfurter Sausage during Storage},
journal = {Foods},
year = {2023},
volume = {12},
number = {21},
month = {November},
issn = {2304-8158},
pages = {4022--4035},
numpages = {13},
keywords = {PAW; sausage; rosemary extract; physicochemical properties; shelf life},


%0 Journal Article
%T The Effect of Plasma-Activated Water Combined with Rosemary Extract (Rosmarinus officinalis L.) on the Physicochemical Properties of Frankfurter Sausage during Storage
%A Zeraat Pisheh, Fatemeh
%A Falah, Fereshteh
%A Sanaei Ardakani, Farideh
%A علیرضا وسیعی
%A حسین زنگانه
%A Tabatabaei Yazdi, Farideh
%A سلام ابراهیم
%J Foods
%@ 2304-8158
%D 2023
