European Physical Journal Plus, Volume (139), No (1), Year (2024-1)

Title : ( Dynamics of kink train solutions in deformed multiple Sine–Gordon models )

Authors: Marziyeh Peyravi , Nematollah Riazi , Kurosh Javidan ,

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This paper examines the effects of a thin layer of inhomogeneity on periodic solutions of the Multiple-Sine–Gordon (MsG) model. We investigate the dynamics of the perturbed Double-Sine–Gordon (DsG) system as a significant and more practical case of such configurations. The thin barrier acts as a potential well (potential barrier) and causes critical deformations in kink train solutions and some basic properties of the periodic solutions, such as the type of sub-kinks, their amplitude, energy and wavelength. Stability of the initial kink chain during the interaction with medium defects is analyzed using their phase diagram. Sudden changes in the profile of kink trains due to the disruption of their amplitude and wavelength are considered. The time evolution of moving kink chain solutions while interacting with medium fractures is also studied.


, kink train solution, deformed multiple Sine–Gordon models, Double-Sine–Gordon,
برای دانلود از شناسه و رمز عبور پرتال پویا استفاده کنید.

author = {Peyravi, Marziyeh and نعمت الله ریاضی and Javidan, Kurosh},
title = {Dynamics of kink train solutions in deformed multiple Sine–Gordon models},
journal = {European Physical Journal Plus},
year = {2024},
volume = {139},
number = {1},
month = {January},
issn = {2190-5444},
keywords = {kink train solution; deformed multiple Sine–Gordon models; Double-Sine–Gordon;},


%0 Journal Article
%T Dynamics of kink train solutions in deformed multiple Sine–Gordon models
%A Peyravi, Marziyeh
%A نعمت الله ریاضی
%A Javidan, Kurosh
%J European Physical Journal Plus
%@ 2190-5444
%D 2024
