Journal of Harbin Engineering University, Volume (45), No (1), Year (2024-1) , Pages (231-238)

Title : ( Numerical Modeling and Simulation of Parking in a Commercial Building )

Authors: F. Behbahani , M. Hamzei , Z. mehrdoost , Mohammad Moghiman ,

Citation: BibTeX | EndNote


The investigation of fire incidents in the parking area of the commercial building was conducted using the Fire Dynamic Simulator code (FDS), which simulated different fire scenarios. The fire safety requirements for parking facilities were determined under various ventilation system conditions. Various parameters of the parking stairwell were compared under different conditions. The measurements were acquired at a elevation of 1.6 meter. The finding indicated that, within the first state, the temperature, visibility, and smoke concentration reached 80°C, 1 meter, and 0.003mole/mole, respectively, approximately 1200 second after the start of the fire. In the second state, the visibility reached 6.34 meters within a duration of 1200 seconds, representing 6.34 times improvement compared to the first state. During the 1200s, the temperature also decreased to 51.11°C. The temperature improved by 36.19% in comparison to its first state. During 1200s, the concentration of smoke reached 0.0002mole/mole, representing a 93% improvement compared to the first state. In the third state, following the 1200s, the temperature decreased 44.72°C. Additionally, the visibility in the third state was measured at 15.59m, representing 15.59 times improvement compared to the first state. In the third state, the concentration of smoke was measured at 0.00006 mole/mole in the 1200s, representing a 57.5% improvement compared to the first state.


FDS; Fire scenarios; Ventilation system; Temperature; Visibility; Smoke Concentration
برای دانلود از شناسه و رمز عبور پرتال پویا استفاده کنید.

author = {فاطمه بهبهانی and محمد حمزه ای and زهرا مهردوست and Moghiman, Mohammad},
title = {Numerical Modeling and Simulation of Parking in a Commercial Building},
journal = {Journal of Harbin Engineering University},
year = {2024},
volume = {45},
number = {1},
month = {January},
issn = {1006-7043},
pages = {231--238},
numpages = {7},
keywords = {FDS; Fire scenarios; Ventilation system; Temperature; Visibility; Smoke Concentration},


%0 Journal Article
%T Numerical Modeling and Simulation of Parking in a Commercial Building
%A فاطمه بهبهانی
%A محمد حمزه ای
%A زهرا مهردوست
%A Moghiman, Mohammad
%J Journal of Harbin Engineering University
%@ 1006-7043
%D 2024
