Electrochimica Acta, ( ISI ), Volume (491), No (4), Year (2024-7) , Pages (144299-144310)

Title : ( Enhanced oxygen evolution of a new copper-based metal-organic framework through the construction of a heterogeneous structure with bismuth oxyiodide )

Authors: Mahdi Karimi , Hossein Azizi-Toupkanloo , Halimeh Sadat Sajjadizade , Elaheh Kafshdare Goharshadi , Majid Namayandeh Jorabchi ,

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Herein, a newly developed MOF, Cu-based on 2-amino terephthalic acid (CuATPA) is successfully prepared and utilized as a photoanode material. To achieve high-efficiency electron/hole separation and rapid catalytic kinetics, a heterojunction architecture is designed by combining CuATPA with BiOI. Scanning electron microscopy images reveal the formation of CuATPA nanoplates within the structures of BiOI nanoflakes. Electrochemical characterization demonstrates the excellent photoelectrocatalytic performance of the CuATPA-BiOI nanocomposite. Linear sweep voltammetry reveals a reduced overpotential value for the CuATPA-BiOI nanocomposite, indicating enhanced catalytic activity. Moreover, the CuATPA-BiOI photoanode displays a photovoltage of 0.43 V compared to 0.23 and 0.24 V for the CuATPA and BiOI photoanodes, respectively, indicating a deeper band bending. The improved photoelectrochemical performance of the nanocomposite is attributed to efficient separation and transfer of photo-generated charge carriers, as evidenced by higher charge density extracted from the Mott-Schottky plot and smaller semicircle radius in the Nyquist plot.


, Cu, based MOF BiOI Photocatalysis Oxygen Evolution Reaction
برای دانلود از شناسه و رمز عبور پرتال پویا استفاده کنید.

author = {Karimi, Mahdi and حسین عزیزی توپوکانلو and Sajjadizade, Halimeh Sadat and Kafshdare Goharshadi, Elaheh and مجید نماینده جورابچی},
title = {Enhanced oxygen evolution of a new copper-based metal-organic framework through the construction of a heterogeneous structure with bismuth oxyiodide},
journal = {Electrochimica Acta},
year = {2024},
volume = {491},
number = {4},
month = {July},
issn = {0013-4686},
pages = {144299--144310},
numpages = {11},
keywords = {Cu-based MOF BiOI Photocatalysis Oxygen Evolution Reaction},


%0 Journal Article
%T Enhanced oxygen evolution of a new copper-based metal-organic framework through the construction of a heterogeneous structure with bismuth oxyiodide
%A Karimi, Mahdi
%A حسین عزیزی توپوکانلو
%A Sajjadizade, Halimeh Sadat
%A Kafshdare Goharshadi, Elaheh
%A مجید نماینده جورابچی
%J Electrochimica Acta
%@ 0013-4686
%D 2024
