Journal of Building Engineering, Volume (90), Year (2024-4) , Pages (109437-109453)

Title : ( Enhance the loss of sound transmission of glass using a thin polyester/silica aerogel composite as a new sound insulation )

Authors: mohammad saleh abazari , Mohammad Hassan Entezari ,

Citation: BibTeX | EndNote


One of the problems of the glass is the noise pollution that is easily directed into the building. Using a very thin and cheap layer on the glass can effectively prevent the transmission of sound, reduce costs, and increase the peace of its residents. In this work, two types of silica aerogel (SA) were synthesized by using sodium silicate as a precursor in the sol-gel method in the presence (SA-U) and absence of ultrasound (SA-C). The synthesized SA samples were converted into discs under 100 bar pressure and investigated their sound transmission loss (STL). The average STL of SA-U sample was 32 dB, while it was 21 dB for SA-C. The synthesized SA samples in the presence and absence of ultrasound were added to polyester (PES) resin and prepared SA-U/PES and SAC/ PES composites. The prepared composites were deposited with a thickness of 1 mm on a glass with a thickness of 3 mm. The SA-C/PES composite was able to improve the STL of glass to 28.5 dB, while the SA-U/PES composite was able to improve it to 27.3 dB. The average STL of the glass was only 11.2 dB.


Sound transmission loss Ultrasonic Thin layer sound insulator Silica aerogel/polyester composite
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author = {Abazari, Mohammad Saleh and Entezari, Mohammad Hassan},
title = {Enhance the loss of sound transmission of glass using a thin polyester/silica aerogel composite as a new sound insulation},
journal = {Journal of Building Engineering},
year = {2024},
volume = {90},
month = {April},
issn = {2352-7102},
pages = {109437--109453},
numpages = {16},
keywords = {Sound transmission loss Ultrasonic Thin layer sound insulator Silica aerogel/polyester composite},


%0 Journal Article
%T Enhance the loss of sound transmission of glass using a thin polyester/silica aerogel composite as a new sound insulation
%A Abazari, Mohammad Saleh
%A Entezari, Mohammad Hassan
%J Journal of Building Engineering
%@ 2352-7102
%D 2024
