Renewable Energy, ( ISI ), Volume (227), No (1), Year (2024-6) , Pages (120557-12)

Title : ( Complementary assessment and design optimization of a hybrid renewable energy system integrated with open-loop pumped hydro energy storage )

Authors: Samane Ghandehariun , Amir Ghandehariun ,

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The intermittent nature of renewable energy resources is a major obstacle in utilizing such resources for power generation despite their abundance. In this paper, a dynamic analysis of an integrated system based on photovoltaic (PV) panels and wind turbines coupled with pumped hydro energy storage is presented. When the power generation exceeds the power demand, surplus electricity is used to pump the water to the upper reservoir. The natural inflow of the river obviates the necessity for oversized reservoirs and saves costs. A recently introduced multi-objective equilibrium optimizer algorithm is developed to find the optimal size of the integrated hybrid energy system. The objectives are to minimize the levelized cost of electricity and maximize the reliability of the proposed system. The results show that the correlation between solar and wind power generation in the selected location is mildly strong with a value of 0.3. The total energy generation from hydro, solar, and wind resources are 77,508.7 kWh, 103,323 kWh, and 47,375.4 kWh, respectively. Comparing the results with other algorithms indicates that the equilibrium optimizer has a better performance in finding the optimal design.


, Complementary assessment; Solar energy; Wind turbine; Dynamic analysis; Pumped hydro storage; Multi, objective optimization
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author = {Samane Ghandehariun and Ghandehariun, Amir},
title = {Complementary assessment and design optimization of a hybrid renewable energy system integrated with open-loop pumped hydro energy storage},
journal = {Renewable Energy},
year = {2024},
volume = {227},
number = {1},
month = {June},
issn = {0960-1481},
pages = {120557--12},
numpages = {-120545},
keywords = {Complementary assessment; Solar energy; Wind turbine; Dynamic analysis; Pumped hydro storage; Multi-objective optimization},


%0 Journal Article
%T Complementary assessment and design optimization of a hybrid renewable energy system integrated with open-loop pumped hydro energy storage
%A Samane Ghandehariun
%A Ghandehariun, Amir
%J Renewable Energy
%@ 0960-1481
%D 2024
