Journal of Molecular Liquids, ( ISI ), Volume (403), No (1), Year (2024-6) , Pages (124867-124880)

Title : ( Effect of water and ionic liquid vapors on the structural properties of gold nanoclusters formed during inert-gas condensation process using molecular dynamics simulations )

Authors: Zahra Valizadeh Abbasghaleh , Mohamad Vakili , Mohsen Abbaspour , Vahidreza Darugar ,

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In this research, process of Au nanocluster formation has been investigated using the inert-gas condensation process in different environments with different concentrations of Ar gas, water vapor, and IL molecules. We have calculated the total energy, relative stability, surface energy, and radial distribution function (RDF) of the different produced clusters at different simulation times. Our results showed that the number of formed clusters increases, whereas their size decreases by increasing the water and IL concentrations in the environment. The water and IL molecules adsorb on the nanoclusters surfaces and hinder the coalescence of the smaller clusters to form bigger clusters. The percentage of the fcc and hcp atoms also decreases by increasing the water and IL concentrations. The produced clusters also become more non-spherical by increasing the IL and water vapor in the environment (with exception of the pure vapors).


, WaterIonic liquidGold nanoclusterInert, gas condensationMolecular dynamics simulations
برای دانلود از شناسه و رمز عبور پرتال پویا استفاده کنید.

author = {Valizadeh Abbasghaleh, Zahra and Vakili, Mohamad and محسن عباسپور and Darugar, Vahidreza},
title = {Effect of water and ionic liquid vapors on the structural properties of gold nanoclusters formed during inert-gas condensation process using molecular dynamics simulations},
journal = {Journal of Molecular Liquids},
year = {2024},
volume = {403},
number = {1},
month = {June},
issn = {0167-7322},
pages = {124867--124880},
numpages = {13},
keywords = {WaterIonic liquidGold nanoclusterInert-gas condensationMolecular dynamics simulations},


%0 Journal Article
%T Effect of water and ionic liquid vapors on the structural properties of gold nanoclusters formed during inert-gas condensation process using molecular dynamics simulations
%A Valizadeh Abbasghaleh, Zahra
%A Vakili, Mohamad
%A محسن عباسپور
%A Darugar, Vahidreza
%J Journal of Molecular Liquids
%@ 0167-7322
%D 2024
