International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, ( ISI ), Volume (67), No (67), Year (2024-5) , Pages (1148-1156)

Title : ( Analysis of the effect of the number of injector nozzles on the pressure and heat transfer coefficient in a hydrogen-diesel mixture diesel engine )

Authors: JAVAD Zareei , Jose R. Nunez Alvarez ,

Citation: BibTeX | EndNote


In reciprocating internal combustion engines, the calculation of the heat transfer coefficient (HTC) is essential to estimate the heat transfer during combustion in the combustion chamber. The HTC calculation takes into account fluid flow and combustion processes and varies as a function of crank angle and location within the chamber. The mean HTC value is commonly used to calculate the thermo-mechanical analysis of various combustion chamber components. In this study, dynamic grids for the intake port, exhaust port and chamber are created in the chamber modelling section of the AVL-Fire software. The intake and combustion processes are then simulated and the calculated pressure data are compared with experimental data at 2800 rpm with 1, 3 and 6 hole injectors. Finally, the distribution of HTC over the chamber walls was evaluated using a time step method. The research also included verification of the HTC results with theoretical data obtained by Woschni and Hohenberg. In addition, with the decreasing availability of fossil fuels and the need for lower exhaust emissions from diesel engines, the use of blends of diesel and hydrogen fuel has become widespread. In this engine, a mixture of 10 % hydrogen and 90 % diesel fuel is used. The final results show that the heat transfer coefficient increases by approximately 1.72 % when hydrogen is added to diesel fuel due to the number of collisions between hydrogen and other fuel components.


, number of injector nozzles, pressure, heat transfer coefficient, hydrogen-diesel mixture, diesel engine
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author = {Zareei, JAVAD and نونیز آلوارز},
title = {Analysis of the effect of the number of injector nozzles on the pressure and heat transfer coefficient in a hydrogen-diesel mixture diesel engine},
journal = {International Journal of Hydrogen Energy},
year = {2024},
volume = {67},
number = {67},
month = {May},
issn = {0360-3199},
pages = {1148--1156},
numpages = {8},
keywords = {number of injector nozzles; pressure; heat transfer coefficient; hydrogen-diesel mixture; diesel engine},


%0 Journal Article
%T Analysis of the effect of the number of injector nozzles on the pressure and heat transfer coefficient in a hydrogen-diesel mixture diesel engine
%A Zareei, JAVAD
%A نونیز آلوارز
%J International Journal of Hydrogen Energy
%@ 0360-3199
%D 2024
