International Journal of Modern Physics C, ( ISI ), Year (2024-5)

Title : ( Effect of the arrangement of the injectors on the flow quantities in water injection into the hot supersonic crossflow inside the cylinder )

Authors: hosseinali kamali , Mahmoud Pasandidehfard , MOHMMAD MEHDI REASHIDI ,

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In this study, the e®ect of di®erent arrangements of injectors on the injection of liquid water into the hot supersonic cross°ow of cylindrical geometry on the performance and the rate of evapo- ration has been studied using a numerical method. The cross°ow has a Mach of about 2 and a total temperature of 800 K. At ¯rst, the penetration height and droplets produced by atomization in the supersonic °ow are validated using the Lagrangian technique, and the results have been compared with the experiments. The usage of heat transfer equations and the evaporation model for the spray evaporation of droplets in the hot °ow is also performed in the validation process, and the results are compared with the experimental results. Then, the injection into the examined geometry with four, six and eight injectors in three di®erent arrangements was evaluated. The results indicate that employing an arrangement of eight injectors leads to the most signi¯cant reduction in total temperature, with average total temperatures decreasing to below 550 K. The results demonstrate a 40% decrease in total pressure, with a decrease in Mach number to about 1 at the end of the cylinder. Additionally, the evaporation rate shows higher evaporation of water in the eight-injector arrangement compared to other arrangements.


Spray in cross°ow; supersonic cross°ow; liquid injection; injectors; evaporation
برای دانلود از شناسه و رمز عبور پرتال پویا استفاده کنید.

author = {Kamali, Hosseinali and Pasandidehfard, Mahmoud and محمد مهدی رشیدی},
title = {Effect of the arrangement of the injectors on the flow quantities in water injection into the hot supersonic crossflow inside the cylinder},
journal = {International Journal of Modern Physics C},
year = {2024},
month = {May},
issn = {0129-1831},
keywords = {Spray in cross°ow; supersonic cross°ow; liquid injection; injectors; evaporation},


%0 Journal Article
%T Effect of the arrangement of the injectors on the flow quantities in water injection into the hot supersonic crossflow inside the cylinder
%A Kamali, Hosseinali
%A Pasandidehfard, Mahmoud
%A محمد مهدی رشیدی
%J International Journal of Modern Physics C
%@ 0129-1831
%D 2024
